Category: RBC

Budgeting & Cash Flow Management: What You Really Need To Know (Ep. 22)

Budgeting & Cash Flow Management: What You Really Need To Know (Ep. 22)

Are your expenses controlling you, or are you controlling your expenses? 

Budgeting is the first step to achieving financial success and comfortability. 

In this episode, Mike Dukovich unveils the importance of financial literacy and budgeting for achieving financial success. Mike sheds light on the SMART acronym while detailing the value of tracking and analyzing expenses and ways you can use tools (like budgeting apps or spreadsheets) to create a realistic budget and set financial goals.

Mike discusses:

  • Using the SMART acronym (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound) as a framework for managing your finances
  • The concept of a ‘slush’ fund for occasional splurges
  • How to assess all sources of income and accurately track expenses
  • Ways to round up and categorize expenses
  • Tips to analyze expenses to create a realistic budget
  • And more!


Connect with Mike Dukovich:

Breaking Down Financial Jargon: Understanding the Basics of Financial Literacy (Ep. 21)

Breaking Down Financial Jargon: Understanding the Basics of Financial Literacy (Ep. 21)

The truth is that not everyone across the United States knows about money, savings, and retirement planning. In fact, the average 65-year-old has yet to save for retirement.

Mike Dukovich wants to help change that…

This week, Mike explores the importance of financial literacy, budgeting, understanding credit, managing debt, and retirement planning. Mike highlights the lack of financial education in the US while stressing the need for individuals to have the knowledge and skills to make informed financial decisions.

Mike discusses:

  • The reality of financial education for people of all ages, including high school and college students 
  • The value of saving early on and ways investing what you save can help you down the road 
  • The difference between good and not-so-good debt
  • His financial advice for parents and their college children 
  • The nuances of investing 
  • Why you should always seek professional financial advice
  • And more!


Connect with Mike Dukovich:

Dollars and Degrees: College Planning 101 (Ep. 20)

Dollars and Degrees: College Planning 101 (Ep. 20)

No more hiding behind the couch cushions to escape the tuition talk! 

It’s time to face the facts, set realistic goals, and find the perfect balance between supporting your child’s dreams while preserving your wealth and sanity, too.

This week, Mike Dukovich reveals the truth about paying for college tuition and expenses. Mike unveils everything you need to know about college savings plans (529 plans) while exploring the different aids you can leverage while supporting your child in this new phase of life.   

Mike discusses:

  • From scholarships to loans, grants, and more: What’s available to pay for your child’s college expenses
  • The importance of having the ‘money talk’
  • Tracking your financial goals and savings as you plan for your child’s education
  • Savings vehicles to help you think ahead
  • The benefits of a 529 plan
  • What happens if your child decides not to go to college
  • And more!


Connect with Mike Dukovich:


For more information regarding college savings plans, please visit the College Savings Plans Network. Participation in a 529 Plan does not guarantee the investment return on contributions, if any, will be adequate to cover future tuition and other higher education expenses. State programs vary, and therefore, you should carefully review individual program documents before investing or sending money. Federal income tax on the earnings and a 10 percent penalty on distributions for non-qualified expenses may apply. RBC Wealth Management is not a tax advisor. All decisions regarding the tax implications of your individual investments should be made in connection with your independent tax advisor.

Investment and insurance products offered through RBC Wealth Management are not insured by the FDIC or any other federal government agency, are not deposits or other obligations of, or guaranteed by, a bank or any bank affiliate, and are subject to investment risks, including possible loss of the principal amount invested.

RBC Wealth Management, a division of RBC Capital Markets, LLC, registered investment adviser and Member NYSE/FINRA/SIPC.

Here’s What You Need To Know About The SECURE 2.0 Act (Ep. 19)

Here’s What You Need To Know About The SECURE 2.0 Act (Ep. 19)

Get ready to kick off the start of season 2 of Beyond Your Money with an in-depth look at the SECURE 2.0 Act (Setting Every Community Up For Retirement Enhancement).

In this episode, Mike Dukovich is back to share its ins and outs, which entail a significant update to the retirement savings landscape. 

The original SECURE bill was signed into law in 2019, and its successor, the SECURE 2.0 Act, was signed into law on December 29, 2022. While there are numerous changes introduced by this bill, Mike focuses on the ones that are particularly relevant to his clients.

Mike discusses:

  • The changes to the required minimum distribution (RMD) age and how that may impact you
  • The role of potential tax saving strategies when it comes to the SECURE 2.0 Act
  • The expansion of catch-up contribution limits
  • If you don’t see it, you don’t miss it: The value of saving for retirement 
  • What you need to know about student loan payments and college savings
  • And more!

Connect with Mike Dukovich:

Investment and insurance products offered through RBC Wealth Management are not insured by the FDIC or any other federal government agency, are not deposits or other obligations of, or guaranteed by, a bank or any bank affiliate, and are subject to investment risks, including possible loss of the principal amount invested.

RBC Wealth Management does not provide tax or legal advice. All decisions regarding the tax or legal implications of your investments should be made in connection with your independent tax or legal advisor. No information, including but not limited to written materials, provided by RBC WM should be construed as legal, accounting or tax advice.

RBC Wealth Management, a division of RBC Capital Markets, LLC, registered investment adviser and Member NYSE/FINRA/SIPC.

The Mortgage Process with Kevin Giza

The Mortgage Process with Kevin Giza

When going through the process of obtaining a mortgage, you likely have a lot of questions. Like, what type of mortgage should you apply for, and at what term?

In this episode, Mike Dukovich sits down with Kevin Giza, president of The Giza Group, at Crosscountry Mortgage, LLC as they discuss mortgages. Kevin shares his knowledge of how the process works, what you need to know before beginning the process, and some tips on how to help you become the successful buyer of a home.

Kevin discusses:

  • What pre-qualification is, what it does, and how long it lasts
  • What you need to prepare ahead of time before beginning the mortgage process
  • The job of the underwriter and the processor
  • Types of mortgages and how they work
  • When refinancing makes sense
  • And more

Connect With Mike Dukovich:

About Our Guest:

Kevin is the president of the Giza Group and he’s the originating branch manager for the Pittsburgh office of Cross Country Mortgage, LLC. Kevin has been recognized as a top producing loan officer in Pittsburgh and nationally for many years, with numerous corporate awards, industry nominations and features in various publications over the last 20 years in the industry.

The Importance of ESG in Investing With Kent McClanahan

The Importance of ESG in Investing With Kent McClanahan

In recent years, we have seen an increase in ESG Scores being used to determine whether or not individuals get involved with a specific investment. 

ESG Scores are used to determine the efforts made by companies in the areas of environment, social and governance. 

In this episode, Mike Dukovich sits down with Kent McClanahan, vice president of responsible investing with RBC Wealth Management, as they discuss the topic of ESG in relation to investing. Kent shares information that points to ESG becoming something more people are looking toward when creating investment portfolios.

Kent discusses:

  • What ESG Scores are and how they are determined
  • Where you can find information regarding a company’s ESG
  • How companies are changing due to the popularity of ESG
  • Examples of environmental, social and governance factors fitting into ESG
  • And more

Connect With Kent McClanahan:

Connect With Mike Dukovich:


The studies discussed in this podcast were:

About Our Guest:

Kent McClanahan is tasked with leading responsible investing efforts, including environmental, social and governance (ESG) and impact investing, in coordination with colleagues across the organization. His responsibilities in this role are advisor and client education, thought leadership and due diligence across a number of investment types and vehicles.


The Universal Truths in Wealth Management, Part 2

The Universal Truths in Wealth Management, Part 2

The universal truths in wealth management – guidelines designed to help you reach your financial goals. 

In this episode, Mike Dukovich welcomes you to part 2 of his series on the universal truths of wealth management. Mike discusses even more truths that he thinks you need to know to make better informed decisions.

Mike discusses:

  • The behavioral cognitive issues you should be aware of
  • Diversification and why it’s important
  • The approach to thinking long-term with your money
  • Why you should examine your options with social security 
  • How you could be preparing for the worst case scenario
  • And more


Connect With Mike Dukovich:

The Universal Truths in Wealth Management, Part One

The Universal Truths in Wealth Management, Part One

There are universal truths that you should be following that can help you make better and more informed decisions with your money.

In this episode, Mike Dukovich takes you through some of his own personal universal truths he has developed. Mike walks you through these truths and helps you understand what you need to know to make better decisions.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The importance of saving earlier rather than saving more later
  • How to use the 50,30,20 Rule when budgeting
  • The difference between good debt and bad debt
  • How to identify how much money you will need in retirement
  • Why you should be aware of people in your life telling you what to do with your money
  • And more!

Tune in now to begin your journey towards learning some universal truths to wealth management and start being smarter with your money!

Resources:  RBC Wealth Management | (724) 933-4446 |

The Misconceptions of Annuities Addressed – with Michael Clark

The Misconceptions of Annuities Addressed – with Michael Clark

For one reason or another, people tend to have misconceptions or confusion around the topic of annuities and whether or not they make sense in a wealth plan. 

In this episode, Mike Dukovich is joined with Michael Clark, divisional annuity consultant with RBC, as they discuss all things annuity! Mike shares an in-depth look at annuities and provides information about when each type might be beneficial. 

In this episode, you will learn:

  • What is an annuity? 
  • The types of annuities and how they work 
  • The pros and cons to using an annuity in your wealth plan 
  • Adding a living benefit rider to your annuity 
  • And more!

Tune in now to discover how annuities work, and if using one might be beneficial for your wealth plan.

Resources:  RBC Wealth Management | (724) 933-4446 | | Michael Clark

The Psychology Behind Your Financial Decisions

The Psychology Behind Your Financial Decisions

Whenever you make a decision to enter or pull out of the market, there is behavioral psychology behind it. This psychology could be leading you to make the wrong decisions! 

In this episode, Mike Dukovich uses his background in psychology to speak about some of the most common biases that exist when making financial decisions. Mike talks about each bias, tells you what you can do so it doesn’t impact you, and provides an important lesson from each! 

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The concept of herding  
  • Availability bias in relation to finances  
  • Loss aversion and how it impacts investors  
  • The bias of confirming your wants 
  • And more!

Tune in now to join Mike as he uncovers some of the most common biases that our human psychology presents that could impact your decisions when it comes to money! 

Resources:  RBC Wealth Management | (724) 933-4446 |